

Game Name: FireON

Genre: Action Game

Programming Language: PureBasic

Game Language: german

Release: 2nd February, 2004

Developer: Timm Lotter

Desciption: The basic idea of Fire ON was a simple PingPong with more action and skill-based gameplay. Both player can move their board up and down like in PingPong, but each of them has the ability to shoot balls. When a player hit the board of the other player, the player who shot the ball will get a point. When both have shot all their balls, the player with the most Points wins. To start a new game click on “Datei” and then on “Neues Spiel”.

Controlling: Player1 (at the left hand side) can moving his board down with the key S and up with W, he can shot a ball with the left ALT Key. Player2 (at the right hand side) can move his board down with the down-arrow key and up with the up-arrow key, he can shoot a ball with the right CTRL key.
